May 11, 2006

Sewer Treatment Campaign Promises- 1998 Version

Troutdale's latest plans for urban renewal at the old sewer treatment plant now depend on the wishes of voters.

Some folks seem to remember a vague promise that when the old sewer treatment plant property was sold, some of the proceeds would be used to pay down the debt still owing on the bonds for the old sewer treatment plant.

I couldn't find any such promise. But when I looked at the 1998 Multnomah County Voter's Pamphlet information for the bond measure to construct a NEW sewer treatment plant (the bond measure passed), a different promise was made:

SUMMARY: This measure authorizes the City to issue
general obligation bonds of not to exceed $16,000,000.00,
to provide funds to acquire property and construct, equip
and furnish a new sewage treatment plant and a
laboratory/administration building and related facilities,
demolish the existing treatment plant and pay all costs
incidental thereto.

Do you see the broken portion of that promise? "...demolish the existing treatment plant and pay all costs incidental thereto."

The last time I looked, the old sewer treatment plant was never demolished, and the city incurred NO costs to do so. What happened to the rest of the $16 million dollars? The city did build the new sewer treatment plant several years ago. But the old one still sits there behind the Gorge Outlet Mall.


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