Oct 15, 2018

Portland Public Schools on sexual misconduct...

Apparently, George Costanza is in charge of human resources at Portland Public Schools.

From KOIN/Portland Tribune:
"Investigators into decades of claims of sexual misconduct by coach and teacher Mitch Whitehurst said in May that part of the problem was Portland Public Schools hadn't actually spelled out to its teachers and staff that they shouldn't have inappropriate relationships with students."
This statement from Portland Public Schools is reminiscent of a Seinfeld episode, where George Costanza, when confronted at work with having sex with the cleaning woman on his desk:

  • Mr. Lippman: "I'm going to get right to the point. It has come to my attention that you and the cleaning woman have engaged in sexual intercourse on the desk in your office. Is that correct?"
  • George: "Who said that?"
  • Mr. Lippman: "She did."
  • George: (pauses for a few seconds) "Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, ‘cause I've worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time."

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