May 7, 2007

OR Dems: Let Cities, Metro Set House Prices

Oregon State Rep. Buckley, Senator Bates, and Representative Shields have co-sponsored
HB 3284, would allow local governments to establish sales prices for housing units or residential lots as a condition of approval in a land use application.

HB 3284 would also allow local governments to limit the availability of some housing units or residential lots to a class or group of purchasers, also as a condition of approval.
(A tip of the hat to fellow Troutdale City Councilor Barbara Kyle for this information).

What's next, just forcing landowners to build homes, then turn them over at no cost to government? Why don't we all just give all of our land and our money to government now, and get it over with?


Anonymous said...

It is simply amazing, the lengths to which they will go...

What this seems to be is another legislative adjustment to the fact that most urban plans don't work exactly as the planners want them to. In this case, if building a certain type of housing, in a certain place, doesn't result in the right people living there at the right price, why not set the prices by royal decree.

I feel like I'm living in the peasant village behind the Versailles.

Someone around here needs to realize that plans need to change to fit the reality they create. You can't do it the other way around.

(By the way, the word verification script is having extreme problems on this end... most of the time I'm getting an unfound picture file.)

Anonymous said...

Communism is alive and well in Salem, Oregon. . .

Troutdale Canfield said...

I'm checking the word verification now. . .

Anonymous said...

Oh please.. read all of it instead of reacting like typical republicans that only depend on people like Rush Limbaugh and other talking heads on Faux unnews.
Communism.. oh brother.. why not go "pinko" too..
grow up already and face the real facts of life please..