Jan 19, 2007

Troutdale's "American Idol" Wannabee: Still wannabee?

Guess what, celebrity wannabees. Even five minutes of "you're going to Hollywood, dawg" fame can give you severe public record heartburn! Here's a careful-what-you-wish-for-you-might-get-it cautionary tale that today's 18-25 year olds might want to consider. TMZ.com reports that Troutdale's own American Idol wannabee Thomas Daniels "took his fair share of punishment from real judges over several criminal charges, including drunk driving."

An article in the Jan. 10, 2007 USA TODAY and elsewhere reported that
"Eighty-one percent of 18- to 25-year-olds surveyed in a Pew Research Center poll released today said getting rich is their generation's most important or second-most-important life goal; 51% said the same about being famous." If that's their life goal, I'd suggest that these 18-25 year olds invest in celebrity web sites. They can get rich AND famous on each other, a sort of rich and famous Lord of the Flies. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you read any of the comments in the TMZ article from those same 18-25-year-olds? "Everybody does it." Very nice.

It'll be interesting to see how much hooey the producers will be willing to overlook.