Mar 23, 2008

New Jersey Guv Wants Small Towns To Merge

New Jersey Governor John Corzine (D) is threatening to cut off state aid from small towns unless they merge with bigger cities. Corzine believes that smaller towns like Moonachie and East Rutherford are too small to exist and a waste of state tax dollars.

According to an article in the Washington Post,
"Under the governor's proposed budget, the state's 323 towns with populations of fewer than 10,000 people would face drastic cuts if they do not consolidate. Towns with populations between 5,000 and 10,000 people would see their aid sliced in half. Those with more than 10,000 would have their aid frozen at 2007 levels. And those such as Moonachie, with fewer than 5,000 people, would get zero state funding. Zilch." Read the rest of the article here.

Let's make local government bureaucracies as large as possible. What a terrible idea.
I wouldn't be surprised if Oregon's state government, dominated as it is by a democrat monopoly, attempted a similar elimination of Oregon's small towns.

Small towns aren't just legal entities. They're unique communities. They're home, with their own unique history, traditions and way of life. A better way of life. Sure, I'm biased.

Small towns are better at democracy. Small town governments are more closely connected to their citizens. Most small cities such as Troutdale are governed by unpaid volunteer citizens like myself who also work full time in private sector jobs.

Show of hands. Troutdale, Wood Village, Fairview, Maywood Park residents- who wants to merge with Gresham or Portland? Anyone? Anyone?

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