Apr 5, 2014

"We'll save Troutdale $800,000! Take our word for it!" Not so fast. . .

They'll save us $800,000! Let's take their word for it!

 Oregonian reporter Kelly House and Gresham Outlook reporter Cari Hachmann both decided to take the words of Troutdale Police Chief Scott Anderson and Multnomah County Sheriff  Dan Staton when they declared Troutdale would save $800,000 annually if Troutdale's police department merged with the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office.

"Troutdale taxpayers stand to save $800,000 in the first year if the city contracts its police services out to the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office". - Oregon Live, (The Oregonian's online presence) April 2, 2014.

"By consolidating with the sheriff, the city would save about $800,000 a year, reducing its cost for police to $3.1 million annually."- Gresham Outlook online,  April 4, 2014.

"Troutdale taxpayers stand to save $800,000. . ."

". . . the city would save about $800,000. . ."

I am wondering one thing. In their articles,  why did both reporters fail to mention what Troutdale's Finance Director said at the meeting regarding the alleged  $800,000 savings? Why did both reporters fail to quote the most important slide in the PowerPoint presentation that night?


There it is. Tuesday night,  the PowerPoint slide said the savings are ESTIMATES.  Troutdale's Finance Director stated the savings were ESTIMATES several times at the meeting.

These savings ESTIMATES include several LARGE DOLLAR ASSUMPTIONS. That's very different from "would save", and "stand to save".

Troutdale residents should take everything they read and hear about the proposed merger with a grain of salt and keep in mind the self interest of each of the parties involved.

Who is really looking out for you?

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