Comcast online chat. Wanted to change around some services. Lengthy drawn out chat.
I continued to state specifically what I wanted. Five times. A net upgrade! An easy sale for Comcast!
Blah blah online agent types one more question etc etc.
Comcast chat agent gives me a sales pitch for the product I already asked them to add. (You made the sale, Comcast, CLOSE THE DEAL!).
Sales pitch sales pitch sales pitch for things I don't want
Finally I typed (for the sixth time) please add X and remove Y, It was a going to be a net upgrade for Comcast, for crying out loud.
The online chat person typed they can add X but cannot remove Y, I must call to remove Y (Like I want t spend three hours on the phone with Comcast asking hundreds of times to remove a product.)
You lost the sale, Comcast.
A sure thing.
You didn't even have to ask me for the sale!
What losers.
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