Commentary and more from the west end of the Columbia River Gorge.
Oct 16, 2011
It's the Cans v. the Can'ts, The Will's v. the Won'ts.
problem with the Occupy Wall Street protesters across the country is
that they're all about problems. They're protesting about all sorts of
things, but what's the use of protesting if you're not coming up with
reasonable solutions and not every worn out scheme and idea of the failed left?
Instead of sitting on their butts in
downtown Portland, why don't they go home and actually help someone, like
check on their senior citizen neighbors and ask if they can
help with yardwork or take them to the grocery store, etc? Why not sign
up to volunteer for Meals on Wheels, CASA, volunteer at a school etc?
There are those that complain, and those that do something about it
These protesters can't change themselves, for crying out loud.
What gave them the idea they could change the world?
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